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Rasberry Field Update

With the 1302-H well on line and the other wells in the field we are making a substantial amount of saltwater that is re-injected into the formation after the oil is separated out. The injection pump used for this at tank battery #4 is maxed out on its pump capacity. We suspect that tank battery #8 will have the same issue as we bring more wells on line. Anticipating this issue last month we ordered bigger pumps for the 2 main tank facilities. We expect them to be delivered in the next 1-2 weeks and will be installing them as soon as possible. The field has about 16 permitted injection wells and we are currently utilizing 3-4 wells at any given time. We plan to replace flow lines to some of the idle injector wells to allow more capacity as we bring wells on line. We are also evaluating the potential to put well #202 on line in the next 1-2 months as part of the workover program enhancement. This well is structurally situated in the northwest section of the field which does not have any production at this time so we believe this would be a good producer. Cheers!


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